Sunday, September 21, 2008


How about some honesty and humility from both sides?

The other day I got into a heated exchange with a well-meaning Republican friend about the way this election is going. Someone on a site I read had been writing about the people she encountered who still thought Barack Obama was a Muslim, that he insisted on being sworn in to the Senate on a Quran, that his wife went around calling people whitey. "If Obama loses because people really don't approve of his plans to govern," I tried to say, "that will be something I can accept. But if most voters are basing their decision on flat-out lies, I might have to move to New Zealand."

My friend wasn't interested in having this particular conversation. (I'm pretty sure it's because he knows in his heart that lies are the only way McCain can win.) I know people who will never vote for a Democrat because they honestly believe that all Democrats want to do is throw our tax money at every problem in the universe, or that Democrats are setting up a nanny state that wants to make all our decisions for us, or because they cannot stomach the platform's blithe dismissal of pro-life arguments.

I sympathize. I stopped voting for Republicans for similar reasons. I never changed my registration, though, because philosophically I still consider myself a Lincoln Republican. Maybe that's why I don't find it helpful for us to be as snotty, smug and dismissive as Ann Coulter at her worst. I've never won an argument by saying "Oh you're too stupid to understand. " I just wish Obama's supporters would stop talking to each other about how dumb the voters are, and go back to making a real case.

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Dorothy - hello from Taos!

It would be nice to be able to get back to the issues. I still have friends of mine who bring up ridiculous statements about Obama being a Muslim and/or the Antichrist. It's getting a little old.

I addressed the need to approach debate thoughtfully and with an open mind in one of my recent posts. You should read it.
It helps when you are talking to someone you love and respect-you tend to listen to them and consider what they are saying in ways you might not to the general public...if only I could do that more often...
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